Amanda Stewart & Natasha Anderson
Ever since their debut duo at the NOWnow in 2006, Amanda and Natasha have continued to play together whenever geography and life allows.
An extraordinary range of sounds sporadically emerged and receded: whistles, breaths, kisses, twittering, chattering. It was often truly startling, with both performers demonstrating extraordinary control over dynamics and timing. They weren’t so much responding to each other as operating as one volatile unit. At times I was reminded of Luciano Berio and Cathy Berberian’s electroacoustic composition Visage, but with the operatics replaced by a 21st century microscopic sensibility.
Dry Land Ecology — Inland Concert Series
part of The SUBSTATION's curated Melbourne Fringe program
Live at Peggy’s
Peggy Glanville-Hicks residency, Sydney
The NOWnow festival
with Ben Byrne
The Red Rattler, Marrickville, Sydney
(Melbourne International Biennale of Exploratory Music)
with Jérôme Noetinger
Corner Hotel, Richmond, Melbourne
ABC entry selection for the 2008 International Rostrum of Composers
The NOWnow festival
The Factory, Enmore, Sydney
The NOWnow festival
Newtown RSL, Sydney